Innuendos (It Had 2 B U Book 1) Read online

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  “Sorry I’m a little late. My roommate held me up.”

  “Ah yes, the infamous roommate . . . when will I get to meet this illusive roommate of yours?”

  “Soon,” I say reluctantly.

  I’m living this fairy-tale relationship with Travis, and I’m so afraid of Max scaring off another one of my boyfriends, that I’ve kept Travis all to myself. I know, eventually I will have to come clean about my living arrangements, but for now, I’m just enjoying Travis’ company.

  “What’s her name again?”

  I don’t dare correct him. It’s only a little white lie—nothing too major.


  He smiles. “That’s right. So why do you keep your roommate such a secret anyways?” He asks as we walk through the restaurant doors. Travis picked the most expensive restaurant in Miami for dinner. It’s an upscale steak house settled right in the middle of the city. The minute I walk in, I’m hit with the fanciness of it all. All around me couples sit in impressive suits and mini cocktail dresses. They are sipping from wine glasses and eating small portioned meals that are probably insanely expensive. I’d be lucky to lick the crumbs off someone’s plate here, let alone afford a whole meal. I feel so out of place.

  “Max has the tendency to scare off every boyfriend I’ve ever had. I think it has to do with personality clashes or something. It never fails. The minute I introduce Max to my boyfriends, within a week they dump me.”

  “Is she a ball buster or something? Does she carry around a wooden mallet?”

  I giggle. “You could say that.” It takes a lot of work not to slip the male bomb. I have to focus on my words precisely and be careful that I don’t reveal too much about Max. The more I talk about him, the harder it gets.

  “I bet I can handle her. Why don’t we try going to your place tonight? I hate that I don’t know where you live. It feels weird that we’ve been dating for almost four months, and we have yet to spend the night at your place.”

  “I promise we will go there soon. I’m just not ready yet.” There’s a miserable quiver in my voice. The thought of losing Travis almost brings me to tears. I’ve never felt this deeply for someone before. Well, I guess I feel this way about Max, too. That’s why I always choose him over my boyfriends. I could never lose Max. It would break me apart.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Travis puts his arms around my shoulders and draws me into his chest. “You look like you’re going to cry.”

  “I really like you, Travis—a lot. I’ve never felt this way about a guy before. The thought of losing another boyfriend because of my roommate, terrifies me. I know it’s only been three months, but I really feel a connection between us. I guess that’s a scary thing to say—although, it’s true.”

  “Bree, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. We don’t have to meet your roommate tonight. Promise me though, that we will do it soon. I almost feel like you’re keeping a secret from me, and lying is something I don’t tolerate.”

  I must have a guardian angel looking out for me, because the hostess picks that exact moment to direct us to our seats. By the time we sit down, Travis’ request has been forgotten.

  “You really do look beautiful tonight, Bree. I can’t wait to get you out of that dress.”

  I smile brightly at him as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. “I tried really hard to look good for you tonight. Max helped me pick out my outfit.”

  “Well, I will have to thank her for that; especially since you’re not wearing a bra.” He eyes my cleavage, and I realize my slutty nipples are peaking again. They need to learn the art of patience; good things come to those who wait.

  “We may have to leave early if you keep talking to me like that,” I wink at him.

  “If I hadn’t booked this reservation a month and a half ago, we would be in my bed right now.”

  “Wow, that’s a long time to make a reservation for.”

  “It’s an expensive restaurant, and I only want the best for my girl.”

  I sneak my foot under the table and use it to brush his pant leg. Travis grins at me, and for a while we just sit there staring at each other while playing footsy under the table.

  “Bree, I need to tell you something,” Travis says, finally breaking the silence.

  “Okay.” Nervously, I bite my lip.

  “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  Instantly, my heart swells. It’s the “L” word! He actually said the word love to me. I thought I was the only one feeling this way, but Travis said it first, and he said it good!

  I gulp. “Re . . . really?”

  “Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re on my mind twenty-four seven, and frankly, I can’t stop bragging about you to my friends. What you said earlier about feeling like we had something special—I feel that, too. In my heart I truly believe that you’re the one for me, Bree.”

  “Um, I’m not sure what to say. I guess it would be safe to say that I’m falling in love with you, too. I’ve never felt this way before, Travis. Being with you is the equivalent of dancing on clouds in heaven.”

  He chuckles.

  “Sorry, that was kind of lame,” I look down at the salad I ordered and realize I’m not that hungry.

  “No, it was perfect—just like you.” He takes my hand and brings me over the table to kiss him. His lips meld with mine in perfect unison. They’re so soft, like I’m kissing feathery pillows. He lightly dips his tongue into my mouth before pulling away from me. It was a teasing kiss, just enough to get me all worked up.

  “That’s so not fair. I wasn’t done kissing you yet,” I whine.

  “Be patient, Bree. I promise there is more kissing in your near future—after we eat.”

  “Let’s hurry up then. I can’t wait to get you alone,” I say lifting a suggestive eyebrow.

  “Yes, I plan on eating my dinner fast and savoring my dessert later.”

  He smirks and the heat in my face intensifies. I want this man more than I want to breathe right now. I pick up my fork, shoveling food into my mouth like a professional food eater. Travis laughs over his plate and shakes his head.

  What does he expect when he says stuff like that? For the sake of my vagina, who’s screaming between my thighs right now, I’m going to eat this food so fast my mouth won’t even taste it.

  After an amazing dinner, I follow Travis to his apartment. He lives alone in a one bedroom bachelor pad. The first time he brought me here, I almost had a panic attack. I wasn’t expecting him to have such a clean place, but that’s what it is. It’s always spotless. There’s no dust or dirty clothes on the floor. I swear to god Travis is cleaner than I am, and I keep my place pretty neat. It’s taken me awhile, but I think I’ve gotten used to his OCD life style. It’s kind of nice to be with someone who takes such pride in his home.

  The minute we are through the front door, he’s on me. His hands find the space between my breasts and my dress. He grabs a handful of boob and squeezes, moaning into my lips.

  “God, these breasts of yours have been driving me crazy! I can’t get enough of them.” He kneads my left breast, playing with the nipple as he rolls it in between his fingers.

  In one quick movement, my dress hits the floor. I’m not even sure how he got it off me. That’s how fast he moved. Travis takes a heavy inhale as he realizes that I’m completely naked under my dress. Underneath that purple dress lurked my velvety skin in all its glory. I’m glad Max didn’t try to inspect me like he wanted to. I’m not sure if I could’ve deflected him if his hands were traveling all over my naked breasts. What’s wrong with me? Here I am, about to have mind blowing sex with my boyfriend, and I’m thinking about my best friend copping a feel on my boobs.

  Travis makes a guttural growl. The next thing I know, I’m being carried from the living room to his bedroom, leaving my dress behind.

  “Had I known you were completely naked under that dress, we would’ve skipped dinner altogether.”

  Travis throws me o
nto the bed. For a second he steps back and admires my nakedness.

  “God, you’re beautiful. How did I end up so lucky?”

  “You must carry around four leaf clovers in your back pocket or something, because you’re really lucky,” I grin.

  He tugs on his tie and loosens it from his collar. I watch him for only a few seconds before I’m on my knees helping him unbutton his shirt. Once his shirt is off, my hands swarm his chiseled chest. He’s not as muscular as Max, but that doesn’t mean he’s any less attractive. I’ve become accustomed to this body. I crave it. I love every damn inch of it.

  He gently pushes me back onto the bed. Both of his knees straddle me as he settles over my hips. I can see his erection—it’s proudly causing a large bump in his pants. I’m too turned on to keep lying here like a good little submissive. I maneuver myself so I’m back on my knees, and my greedy little hands reach for his belt. Once it’s free, I tug his pants down his hips. I’m surprised to see that I’m not the only one going commando tonight when his dick bursts out, greeting me like a god damn sexy pop-up-book.

  “Someone’s happy to see me,” I say seductively, wrapping my hand around his cock. I pull gently, guiding him closer to my face.

  He groans in response and watches me attentively as my lips cover him. “God, I love your mouth.”

  A few slow strokes with my tongue are all it takes before his hands are in my hair, guiding me along his shaft. I’m happy to give him this gratification; it’s one of my favorite things to do.

  “Stop! I want to be buried inside of you when I finish.” He places a single finger under my chin and moves me away from him. With both hands firmly on my shoulders, he lays me back down. “My turn.” His lips find my nipple, and I hiss as he gently rakes his teeth and tongue against my flesh.

  “Yessss,” I breathe.

  “You like that?” He asks, kissing his way down my torso.

  “God yes!” I yell.

  I’m so responsive to Travis. He should win a gold medal for the things he’s able to do with my body. Every kiss is like pure ecstasy. Every caress is gentle and cripples me with erotic goosebumps. He never starts in the same place. Tonight he begins with my breasts and is slowly working his way down. When his lips reach my navel, I moan. I know he’s going to go lower, and I’m waiting for it. The anticipation is killing me. I feel his fingers before I do his lips. They hook inside of me and start slowly moving in and out.

  “Fuck, Travis,” I moan, mesmerized by how his mouth and hands always seem to move in perfect harmony.

  “Oh god, Travis. I love it when you do that.”

  I feel his lips curl into a smile. He has me on the verge of climaxing. It’s building like a wildfire deep within my belly, and just as I feel myself getting ready to release, he stops and reaches over into his desk to pull out a condom. Kicking off his pants that somehow never made it over his ankles; he quickly opens the condom package and rolls it on his length.

  His hand runs across my hip as he eases himself on top of me. The tip of his cock is perched outside of my entrance. I’m writhing in anticipation. He’s teasing me on purpose to draw out my orgasm till the last possible second. I hate him for it, and yet love him at the same time.

  “Please, Travis, I want to feel you inside me,” I beg. He fists himself and drags the tip along my crevice. He can feel how wet I am and closes his eyes like he’s fighting the urge to plunge deep inside of me.

  He leans in and kisses my lips. Our tongues dance against each other. My hands follow the curve of his back, tickling his skin as they go. Even when he moans from my touch, he still refuses to enter me. It’s driving me completely insane, and I can’t handle another second wishing for him to fill me.

  “Travis, fuck me now!” I scream.

  I must’ve shocked him, because he thrusts inside me without warning. He starts off fast and hard, exactly how I like it. He pushes so deep inside me that I swear I can feel him in my belly button. Then he changes his speed. He slows it down. His eyes intimately fixate to mine. Most of the time his head never leaves my breasts, but tonight he’s watching me. He’s studying my facial expressions. Every time I moan, he smiles. Every time I meet his thrusts by bucking my hips, he closes his eyes. I love it when he’s fast, but going slow is filled with more passion. My hips match his movements, my hand caresses his face, and he bites my palm. I lightly scratch his back, and he groans in appreciation. For every move I make, he counters me with one that renders me breathless. His mouth returns to my breasts. As his pelvis thrusts in and out of me, he runs my tits between his teeth.

  “Fuck yes,” I scream.

  I am so close to coming that my nails dig into his shoulders. He works his kisses up to my neck and places his lips so they caress the outer cusp of my ear.

  “Bree,” he whispers, “I love you.”

  Without missing a beat, without even thinking about it, I reply to him with those sacred words I’ve never said to anyone but family before, “I love you, too, Travis.”

  It was with those words of adoration that both of us came simultaneously. Every time with Travis is amazing. He’s the first man to ever give me an orgasm. Since the moment we started sleeping together, it happens every single time we have sex. I think this is it. I think I finally found the right guy for me.

  “Bree, are you okay?” Travis asks, after discarding the condom in the trash. He crashes on to the bed next to me and brings me into his arms.

  “I’m fine. I’ve just never experienced sex that intense before.”

  He laughs. “That’s because it wasn’t sex. I hate to burst your bubble here, but Bree, we just made love for the very first time.” His hand slides over my belly and brings my naked bottom against his semi hard-on. I react to it by grinding against him. He moans and bites my shoulder. “Keep doing that and I may just have to take you again.”

  I turn over to face him, studying his handsome face. “Do you really think you love me?”

  He takes a piece of my auburn hair and tucks it behind my ear. He kisses my cheek. “No, I know that I love you.”

  “Have you been in love before?”

  “Yes. Haven’t you?”

  “No, this is my first time.”

  “Wow,” he breathes. “I feel honored.”

  “You should; it’s not a word I often use.”

  He grins and kisses my lips. “Me either. My ex fiancée was the only other woman I’ve ever said it to.”

  “You were engaged?”

  “Yeah, for a year and a half.”

  “What happened?” It shocks me that we’ve been dating this long and still haven’t shared information like this with each other.

  “She cheated on me with a co-worker of mine. Now they’re married and have twins.”

  “What a bitch!” I exclaim. “She was stupid if she gave a great guy like you up.”

  He laughs. “Everything happens for a reason, Bree. I think that’s why she and I broke up. She opened the door so I could find you. It just took me a couple years to find you.”

  We kiss again.

  I could get used to doing this every day.

  “Hey, I have an idea. How about you stay with me all weekend? Instead of going home like you normally do, we can stay in, watch movies, and hang out, like an extended sleep-over date,” he suggests.

  “You want me to stay that long?”

  “Yes I do, Babe. If I could wake up to you every morning, I would.”

  I can tell he’s suggesting something bigger. We just made this ginormous leap in our relationship by saying I love you. There’s no way I’m ready for the moving in stage yet. Besides, if I move out, where would Max go? I can’t abandon my best friend. He needs me.

  “Okay, but I should go home to get some clothes.”

  “Why? I kinda like what you’re wearing now.”

  I smack his hand as it traces over my tickle spot. “Not fair, we agreed to stay away from the tickle zones,” I scold him.

  “Fine. No tickle spot
s, but I’m not letting you leave my bed until the morning. Right now, I want to spoon you—maybe take advantage of that amazing body of yours a few more times tonight.”

  “Do you have enough condoms? If not, I can pick up some when I run to get my clothes.”

  “We could always use some more. I am getting kind of low. How do you have so many, anyway?”

  “I don’t. My roommate has a serious collection.”

  “That girl must like her sex.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s possible.” I nervously nibble on my lip. I hate lying to him. In my defense, I want to keep this one. He’s sweet and handsome. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a guy. Telling him about Max will only ruin everything that has made this night so perfect. Right now all I want is to fall asleep in my man’s arms and hear him say I love you at least a dozen or so more times.

  I nestle into his body and allow his warmth to heat my skin.

  “I love you, Bree.”

  “I love you, Travis.”

  He kisses my shoulder blade and squeezes me a little tighter. “A guy could get used to hearing those words from your lips.”

  “Well, a girl could say the same thing about you.”

  “Is that so? What else could a girl say about me?” He kisses my shoulder and maneuvers my body so he can climb on top of me again.

  “This girl says she thinks she needs to feel you inside of her again.”

  “I think I can manage that.” He reaches back into his dresser and pulls out another condom. I can’t believe he’s already hard again—not that I’m complaining. The fact he has the stamina of a young stallion is one of the many things I love about him.

  “I think we’ve done enough talking for the night. Earlier I made love to you. Now I’m going to fuck the shit out of you. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “Why Travis, do you actually think you can threaten me with a good time? Let’s do this thing.”

  Needless to say, Travis’s condom stash doesn’t stand a chance of surviving through the night if I have my way. I’m definitely going to have to raid Max’s tote tomorrow if I’m going to make it through the weekend. My plan is to ride my stallion until I break him in.